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Bakthavatsalam Memorial Trust Krishi Vigyan Kendra (BMT-KVK), Thanjavur District  

On Farm Trial 2010-2011

Title of the OFT

Technological Options

Integrated weed management for direct sown wet seeded rice


1. Hand weeding (FP)

2. Pretilachlor + Safener (Sofit) @ 0.45 kg/ha on 3-4 DAS and one hand weeding on 40 DAS. (TNAU)

3. Pre emergence Pretilachlor @ 0.45 kg/ha on 3 DAS fb Azimsulfuron 50 DF 35 g/ha on 20 DAS + hand weeding on 45 DAS(TNAU)

Assessing different weeders in SRI


1. Hand weeding(FP)

2. Cono weeder (TNAU)

3. TNAU Power weeder(TNAU)

4. Modified power weeder 1row (KVK, Madurai)

Polyculture in inland fisheries in Delta region using stunted finger lings

1. Stunted Fingerlings of Fresh water fish Carp varieties (composite fish culture)
@ 2500/ac (TANUVAS)

2. Stunted Fingerlings of Carp varieties with fresh water Prawn
(Macrobrackium spp) (Poly fish culture)
@ 2500+2500/ac

Area Specific Mineral Mixture for Dairy cows

1.Farmers  practice (No/irregular mineral supplementation)

2. Mineral Mixture
30-50 g/day continuously for one year from the day after calving

3. Area specific Mineral Mixture30-50 g/day continuously for one year from the day after calving (TANUVAS)

Control of Ranikhet disease in desi chicken

1.No vaccination or vaccination at 8th to 10th RDVK vaccine at vetinary dispensaries
2.Lasota vaccine-eye drops-7th and 14th day

  • RDVK-Subcutaneous 8th and 16th week

3. Oral pellet ranikhet vaccine on the 7th to 14th day

  • RDVK-

Subcutaneous 8th and 16th week

Assessing the performance of different Red Gram varieties as pure crop.

  1. APK-1
  2. CoRG-7
  3. VBN-3


Management of mealybug in Bhendi.

1.Spraying any systemic insecticides at  fortnightly intervals.

2.Spraying of profenofos at 0.2 % + acephate at  0.1 % at fortnightly intervals.

3. Use of Bio control agents and neem seed NSKE at  0.5 %.

Special Technologies