

  • Crab burrow on the sides of the bunds and live.
  • They cut the young paddy plants near the ground level and carry them to their burrows for feeding.
  • They are active during night; as they are nocturnal.
  • Besides their crop damaging activity, they prepare a series of burrow in the paddy
  • Fields due to which water is not retained in the field.
  • Thus,crab is major crustacean pest of paddy crop, it requires intensive control.


-river-crab-in irrigation rice field
River-crab-in irrigation rice field

  Identification of pest

Eggs: The eggs are bright orange when first deposited, but become yellow, brown, and then dark  brown before hatching.

Larvae: First stage larvae, called zoeae, measure approximately 0.25 mm wide at hatching; development to this stage requires 31-49 days.

Juveniles: The juvenile "first crab" is typically 2.5 mm wide (from tip to tip of the lateral spines of the carapace). Juveniles gradual1y migrate in to shallower, less-saline waters in upper estuaries and rivers, where they grow and mature

Adult: Sexual maturity is reached after 18-20 post larval molts, a t the age of 1-1.5 years. Males   continue to molt and grow after they reach sexual maturity, but females cease to molt and grow when they mature and mate.

rice field crab
Rice field crab

Management Strategies  
  • Application of FYM at the time of puddling reduces crab damage.
  • Block the mud holes on the farm bunds and mix paste of Silk Cotton (Bombax ceiba) tree bark, Embelia ribes fruits and Asafoeitda 2 kg each in 100 lit water in 1 ha.
  • Crab burrows fumigated with the cyanogas dust.
  • Poison baiting of 0.5% parathion with rice syrup at the rate of 80-100 ml per burrow is quite effective is controlling the crabs.
poison bait with insecticide
Poison bait with insecticide