Fisheries :: FAQs


Freguently Asked Questions:

1.How many types of aquacultural practices are there in our country?

            There are basically five types of aquacultural practices followed in India. They are Freshwater aquaculture, Brackishwater aquaculture, Mariculture, Coldwater aquaculture and Ornamental fish culture.

2.What are the important factors which affects Fish Farming (Aquaculture)?

          Limnological and watershed parameters such as water temperature (WT), turbidity (t), Water pH (WpH), dissolved oxygen (DO), free carbon dioxide (FCO2), total alkalinity (TA), water conductivity (WC), soil temperature (ST), soil pH (SpH), soil organic carbon (SOC), soil phosphorus (SP), soil potassium (SK) and aquatic macrophytic biomass (AMB) have significant role on fish yield in a lake eco system.

3.What is mean by Capture fisheries?

         Capture fisheries is intended for catching fishes, prawns, lobsters, crabs, molluscs etc. Capture fisheries is exploitation of aquatic organisms without stocking the seed. Recruitment of the species occurs naturally. This is carried out in the sea, rivers, reservoirs, etc. Fish yield decreases gradually in capture fisheries due to indiscriminate catching of. Overfishing destroys the fish stocks.

4.Define Culture fisheries?

Culture fisheries is the cultivation of selected fishes in confined areas with utmost care to get maximum yield. The seed is stocked, nursed and reared in confined waters, then the crop is harvested. Culture takes place in ponds, which are fertilized and supplementary feeds are provided to fish to get maximum yield. In order to overcome the problems found in capture fisheries to increase the production, considerable attention is being given to the culture fisheries.

5.What are the Nutrients Present in Fish?

Fish has lot of nutrients in it. It have Protein 15-24%, fat 3-5%, Minerals 0.4-2.0%, Calcium, Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium, Iron, Iodine, chlorine, Sulphur, Phosphorous, Manganese, Copper, Zinc, Cobalt, Arsenic and also Florin. In addition to this Fish have Vitamin A, D, E and B.

6.What is Harpoon?

            It is a method used for fish having high individual value such as swordfish and bluefin tuna. Harpooning is a completely selective fishery, since the target must be seen before striking, so the size and hence age can be determined and only mature fish taken.

7.What are Phytoplanktons & zooplanktons?

            Phytoplanktons are Minute, free-floating aquatic plants. They are Amphora, Asterionella, Cymbella, Navicula, Synedra, Chlorella, Closterium, Denticula, Pandorina, Spirogyea, Anabaena, Nostoc and Oscillatoria etc.
            zooplanktons: Plankton that consists of animals, including the corals, rotifers, sea anemones, and jellyfish, Rattulas, Rotaria, Keratella, Filuia, Notops, Monostyla etc.

8.What is Fish harvest technology?

            It encompasses various processes of catching aquatic organisms. Use of fishing methods varies, depending on the types of fisheries, and can range from as simple process as gathering of aquatic organisms by hand picking to highly sophisticated fish harvesting systems, viz. aimed mid-water trawling or purse seining conducted from large fishing vessels. The targets of capture fisheries can range from small invertebrates to large tunas and whales.

9.How Fish and Fish Products are preserved?

Canning is a method to preserve foods, in which spoilage is averted by killing the microorganisms present by application of heat and preservation of subsequent contamination. The product being enclosed in a hermetically sealed container.

10.What are the Different types of Fish Products?

There are many type fish and Fish product having high export and domestic values. They are Fish Oil, Fish flour, Fish flakes/wafers, Breaded prawns and Fish sticks, Fish salads, Fish sausage, Fish cakes, Fish proteins, Shark fins, etc…

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