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Nutrient Management :: Sugarbeet

Tropical Sugarbeet

Manures and Fertilizers

S.No Manures and Fertilizers

Basal Application

Top dressing

1 Manures 12.5 tonnes /ha -
2 Biofertilizers Azospirillum
2 kg /acre (10 pockets)
2 kg /acre (10 pockets)
3. FertilizersNitrogen (150)
Phosphorus (75)
Potassium (75)
75kg /ha
75kg /ha
75kg /ha
37.5 kg / ha each at 25 & 50 DAS

Right nutrition

  • Balanced application of organic and inorganic fertilizers
  • FYM 12.5  t/ha and basal application  of 2 kg of Azospirillum and  2 kg of phosphobacteria
  • Based on the soil test value, inorganic fertilizer has to be applied.  In the absence of soil test  value, blanket recommendation of 150:75:75 NPK kg/ha
  • Stages of application of fertilizer:  Basal 50% N, full P and full K. 
  • Remaining 25% N on 20 to 25 days after sowing and 25% N on 40 to 45 days after sowing.
  • Timely and need based, placement of fertilizer and earthing up
  • Excess N should be avoided
Updated on : 24.06.2013

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