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Nutrient Management :: Blackgram

BLACKGRAM ( Vigna mungo L.)

Seed Treatment with Biofertilizer

Treat the seeds with 3 packets (600 g/ha) of Rhizobial culture CRU-7 + 3 packets (600 g/ha) of PGPR and 3 packets (600 g/ha) of Phosphobacteria developed at TNAU using rice kanji as binder. If the seed treatment is not carried out apply 10packets of Rhizobium (2000 g/ha) + 10 packets of PGPR (2000 g/ha) and 10 packets (2000 g) of Phosphobacteria with 25 kg of FYM and 25 kg of soil before sowing.

Fertilizer Application

  • Apply fertilizers basally before sowing.
    Rainfed : 12.5 kg N + 25 kg P2O5 + 12.5 kg K2O +10 kg S*/ha
    Irrigated : 25 kg N + 50 kg P2O5 + 25 kg K2O + 20 kg S*/ha

*Note : Applied in the form of gypsum if Single Super Phospate is not applied as a source of phosphorus

  • Soil application of 25 kg ZnSo4/ha under irrigated condition
  • Soil application of TNAU micronutrient mixture @ 5 kg/ha as Enriched FYM (Prepare enriched FYM at 1:10 ratio of MN mixture & FYM ; mix at friable moisture &incubate for one month in shade).


Foliar spray of 1% urea for yield improvement in black gram

For yield improvement through increasing the physiological, biochemical attributes, foliar spray of urea 1% on 30 and 45 days after sowing is recommended. For rice fallow pulses in Delta area, the present recommendation of foliar spray of 2% DAP may be continued.

Foliar spraying to mitigate moisture stress

Foliar spraying of 2% KCl + 100 ppm Boron during dry spell as mid season management practice in black gram during Rabi season is recommended to increase the yield over KCl spray alone .

Economizing the use of micronutrients through seed treatment for blackgram

Seed coating with biofertilizers and micronutrients viz., Zn, Mo & Co @ 4, 1, 0.5 g/kg of seed is recommended.

Nitrogen substitution by organic sources for pulses

50 per cent nitrogen can be substituted through organic source (850 kg of vermicompost per hectare). Lime application is recommended for pulses with soil pH less than 6.0.   

Foliar Spray

  • Foliar spray of of NAA 40 mg/l and Salicylic acid 100 mg/l once at pre-flowering and another at 15 days thereafter
    • For rice fallow crops foliar spray of DAP 20 g/lt once at flowering and another at 15 days thereafter
    • For irrigated and rainfed crops, foliar spray of DAP 20 g/l or Urea 20 g/l once at flowering and another at 15 days thereafter.

Multi bloom technology

A special technology being practiced in Pattukottai block of Tanjore district for blackgram and greengram. The soil is alluvial and rich in organic matter and nutrients. The crop is sown during early summer (Jan.-Feb.) as  normal crop and fertilizer is applied as per the recommendation for irrigated crop. In addition to that, top dressing of Nitrogen is done with an extra dose of 25 to 30 kg through urea. Since pulses are indeterminate growth habit and continue to produce new fleshes the top dressing will be done on 40-45 days after sowing. The crop complete its first flesh of matured pods during 60-65th day,   further their second new flesh within 20-25 days. Therefore two fleshes of pods can be harvested at a time within the duration of 100 days.


Foliar Spray

  • Foliar  Spray of NAA 40 mg/l and Salicylic acid 100 mg/l once at pre-flowering and another at 15 days thereafter
  • Foliar spray of DAP 20 g/l once at flowering and another at 15 days thereafter



  • NPK @ 25 : 50 : 25 kg / ha + 5 kg / ha of TN micro nutrient mixture.

Foliar application

  • Spray 2% DAP at the time of first appearance of flowers and a second spray at 15 days after first spray for enhanced seed set.
  • Spray NAA 40 ppm at first flowering and a second spray after a fortnight to reduce the flower drop.NAA can be mixed with insecticides and fungicides.
  • Spray  0.1 % brassinoloid on 35th  and 45th  day after sowing (or) spray with 3 % cowpea extract at 30 days after sowing (or) spray with 0.5 % Nutrigold at 30 / 40 days after sowing.

Updated on : 2013


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