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Major Areas :: Dryland Agriculture :: High Yield Crops
Forage crops

Forage crops are standing behind for the healthy and wealthy life human beings. No doubt 5.78 million tonnes of milk produced in the state last year. In an area of 1.72 lakh hectares of farmland in the state have been cultivated fodder. Permanent pasture, grasslands were 1.14 million hectares, there is lack of 20 per cent in actual fodder demand. There is an expectation of growth in milk production. To reach this goal, we need to do more fodder yielding fodder cultivation. Cumbu napier hybrid grass, multicut fodder sorghum, fodder cowpea are suitable kharif season cultivation.

Cumbu Napier hybrid :

Salient features :

More number of tillers (30-40 tillers / hill), non-lodging, tenderness, sweet succulent stems, high leaf-stem ratio (0.71), high fodder yield (400 t / ha / year) and the highest dry forage yield (81.4 t / ha / year), and more protein content (10.71 per cent) more delicious and help to germinate quickly forming around the roots. Insect and disease free, seven ratoon crops can be harvested per year.

Cultivation techniques :

  •  Prepare the land with two or three times ploughing and ridges were formed at a spacing of 60 cm.

  • With two-budded setts, 13500 per acre is sufficient. This means that the price is Rs 6075 i.e. 1000 setts for Rs. 450 only. Ridges spacing of 60 cm with plant spacing of 50 cm could be followed. In furrow spacing, keep the one bud beneath the soil and planted in a straight row. While planting irrigation is necessary.

  • During last ploughing, ten tonnes of decomposed manures applied. Basal application of 30 kg nitrogen, 20 kg phosphorus and 16 kg potash could be added. Planting after 20 days 30 kg of nitrogen given as top dressing. After every harvest, it’s good to apply 30 kg of nitrogen.

  • Third day after planting life irrigation has to be given.  Afterwards, irrigation has to be given according to soil moisture and weather condition.

  • Within 30 DAP hand weeding could be done. Thereafter, grass will grow densely and smother the germination of seeds.

  • First harvest can be done 80 days after planting. Thereafter subsequent harvests can be done at an interval 45-50 days to get tender fodder.

  • It is priced at Rs 1,000 per tonne.

Fodder Sorghum CO (FS) 29 :

Special features :

Suitable for ratoon cultivation. It yields 6-7 harvests per year. Nutrients (24 percent), higher digesting efficiency (88.4 percent) .Due to its edible flavor animal desires to eat very much.

Cultivation practices :

  • Plough the land for 2-3 times and levelled and the ridges were formed at a distance of 60 cm.

  • Seed rate @ 2 kg /acre can be sown both sides of furrow with the plant spacing of 10 cm. seed treatment with Azospirillum @ 3 pockets (600 gram) is good for fodder sorghum.

  • Compost @ 5 tonnes/acre applied at the time of last ploughing. Basal application of 18 kg nitrogen, 16 kg phosphorus, 16 kg potash can be given. Thirty days after sowing 18 kg nitrogen has to be top dressed. After every harvest 18 kg nitrogen can be top dressed.

  • 20 days after sowing weeding has to be done. If needed next weeding can be done 35-40 days after planting.

  • Irrigate immediately after sowing. On the third day after sowing life irrigation can be given .Depending upon soil and climatic conditions irrigation is recommended.

  • First harvest can be done in the 70 days after sowing. And harvest every ratoon crop once in 45 days interval.The presence of Hydrogen cyanide is high in growth period , after the appearance of the flower harvest is done and fed to the animals.

  • Yield- 68 tons per acre / year (6-7 harvests), a ton is priced at Rs 1,000.

Fodder cowpea CO (FC) 8 :

Special characters:

After 60 days of sowing,crop will be ready for harvest. Which contains 20 per cent protein. The corn, maize, pearl millet intercropped with fodder cultivation resulted balanced nutrition.

Production techniques :

  • Prepare the land by ploughing two to three times ,at the interval of 30 cm furrows will be formed .
  • Five tonnes of compost to be applied during the last ploughing. Basal  10 kg N, 16 kg P, 8 kg of potash should be applied.
  • Seed rate @ 10 kg/ acre with 3 packets (600 g) of Rhizobium seed treatment could be done and  Sow seeds in spacing of 30 x15 cm.
  • On the third day after sowing life irrigation has to be given . After that, according to the soil and climatic conditions irrigation is recommended.
  • Hand weeding can be done 20 days after sowing.
  • 50-55 days after sowing , at the time of 50% flowering harvesting is done.
  • Yield-12 tons per acre. The price is about Rs 1,500 / tonne.

Source :

Professor and Head,
Dryland Agriculture Research Station,
Coimbatore - 3.


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