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Rice :: SRI Cultivation
Sowing & Watering


  • Sow the pre-germinated seeds weighing 90 -100 g / m-2 (100g dry seed may weigh 130g after sprouting) uniformly
  • Cover them with dry soil to a thickness of 5mm.
  • Sprinkle water immediately using rose can to soak the bed and remove the wooden frame
  • And continue the process until the required area is completed.

Sowing Sprouted Seeds


  • Water the nursery with rose can as and when needed (twice or thrice a day) to keep the soil moist.
  • Protect the nursery from heavy rains for the first 5 DAS. At 6 DAS, maintain thin film of water all around the seedling mats.
  • Drain the water 2 days before removing the seedling mats for transplanting.

Watering with Rose Can
Updated on Dec 2022

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